Bullfights- Entertaining, but cruel.

Matty and a Peruvian hottie!!


Bullfighting has been happening in Peru since the arrival of the Spanish.  Even Francisco Pizzaro, who conquered the Inca, participated in Bullfights.   If you really want a taste of Peruvian culture, going to the bullfights will open your eyes.  My cousin is a big fan, and we all got tickets to go.   On the one hand, the skill of the matadors, and the action was very entertaining.  On the other hand, it is extremely cruel.  If you love animals, it can be very hard to watch.  Especially when the bulls are suffering.  It was almost unfair.  The bull would come running out.  The first thing the matadors would do, was have the bull chase them.   Once the bull was tired, the matador would face the bull one on one.   Eventually they would try to kill the bull, with a sword to the heart.  I went once, but I do not think I could do it again.  Watching animals suffer, is not my idea of a good time.